Get A 30-Day Free Trial of Nature's Pearl Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement. Ask Me How.
Independent laboratory tests show that Nature’s Pearl Premium Muscadine grape seeds contain very high levels of natural antioxidants. This concentration of Resveratrol, Resveratrol Metabolites and other phenolic compounds such as Ellagic Acid, OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) and Quercetin make Muscadine grape seeds a very potent antioxidant.
Nature’s Pearl Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement is made from select Muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia) that grow and thrive in the hot, humid and disease-prone climate of the Southeastern United States. These growing conditions, therefore, make Muscadine grapes very different from common bunch grapes (Vitis vinifera) grown for wine production, which are commonly grown in cooler, milder and less stressful climates.
Like our immune system, which produces more antibodies when under attack, Nature’s Pearl Premium Muscadine grapes produce more disease-fighting phenolic compounds (ANTIOXIDANTS) when under stress from fungal disease. Studies on the make-up of Nature’s Pearl Premium Muscadine grapes revealed that the highest levels of these potent compounds are in its seeds.
Nature's Pearl could be the jewel to better health.
We are now seeing an ever-growing movement back to nature in our search for cures and prevention. Numerous well-designed studies have concluded that nature has provided mankind with a wealth of powerful healing agents that work in harmony with our bodies, enhancing the healing process and promoting overall good health.
Nature’s Pearl is the only company backed by human clinical trials, which were done at a major medical university, with positive bona fide physiological effects on the human body. Don’t take my word for it, I want you to experience the wonderful health benefits of Nature’s Pearl Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement for yourself.